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Flossing daily can prevent bad breath. It is another reason to floss your teeth once a day. It improves stinky breath as it removes food particles and bacteria that cause your bad breath.

Clinically known as halitosis, bad breath is common. It is an important oral health issue that has to be addressed immediately. It is not only a social problem but it is also an indication that you have a certain disease in your mouth.

There are studies that showed a link between insufficient flossing and bad breath. Those individuals that do not floss have bad breath.

With daily flossing, bad breath will be reduced. However, it is still ideal that you consult your dentist at Camarillo Smiles.

The Cause of Bad Breath

One of the reasons for bad breath is the decreased production of saliva. That’s why you have morning breath. As you sleep, saliva production is decreased.

If you drink alcohol regularly, you will also suffer from bad breath as this type of beverage promote dry mouth. But bad breath is reduced if you brush and floss before hopping into bed.

Bad breath also arises if you are hungry or thirsty. Dehydration means that there is insufficient saliva in your mouth. As a result, you are more likely to have bad breath and high bacterial buildup. Hence, it is vital to drink a sufficient amount of fluid. But do not drink sugary beverages as they can cause tooth decay, which leads to bad breath.

Scrape Your Tongue

Apart from flossing, it is also vital to brush or scrape your tongue. Doing so will remove residue that builds up between your taste buds.

You may invest in a tongue scraper. It is an inexpensive yet effective way of preventing or reducing bad breath. However, your toothbrush may be enough to clean your tongue.

Use Mouth Rinse

Mouth rinse will make your breath smells fresh. However, it only masks the odor. If the bad breath is the result of a dental problem, mouth rinse will not cure it. In fact, some mouth rinses will worsen halitosis as they irritate oral tissue.

It is highly recommended to use a non-alcohol mouth rinse. Or you may rinse your mouth with green tea as it is known to suppress bacterial growth that causes mouth odor.

Avoid Tobacco Products

Smoking, even once a day, can contribute to halitosis. The reason for this is that tobacco dries your mouth. As a result, it leaves your mouth with an unpleasant smell. Unfortunately, the smell will not go away even after you brush your teeth.

Hence, stop using tobacco products if you do not want to suffer from bad breath.

Visit Your Dentist

As mentioned earlier, bad breath may be the result of tooth decay. Hence, make sure to visit your dentist regularly to determine the cause of your halitosis. It is especially true if you have chronic bad breath. Your dentist will identify the cause and rule out dental issues.

On the other hand, if your dentist thinks that the issue is from a systemic source, like an infection, he may refer you to a specialist. In that way, the root of the problem will be eliminated.